Tiruppavai-Tiruvempavai Competition held; prizes distributed

With the Blessings of His Holiness Pujyasri Jayendra Saraswathi Shankaracharya Swamiji and His Holiness Pujyasri Sankara Vijayendra Saraswathi Shankaracharya Swamiji, a Thiurppavai and Thiruvampavai competition for school students was organised by Mathruchaya Foundation on 9th Jan 2011 at Sankaralayam,Chennai.

Tiruppavai-Tiruvempavai   Tiruppavai-Tiruvempavai

There was overwhelming partcipation from 16 schools of Chennai and also from some students in individual capacity. Overall 120 students across three age groups participated in the competition. 27 students were awarded prizes in various categories.

The prize distribution function was held at Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam Sri Sankara Matam on the 13th instant. Prize distribution was preceded by a short programme by prize winning students and others. Some of the parents and teachers also had accompanied the students to witness the programme.

Sankara School, Thiruvanmiyur rendered Thiruppavai , GT Aloha-Thiruvampavai, PSBB - Bhagavad Gita, Swasthivachakam by Srimatam Patasala Vidyarthis, Sankara Gummi by Sankara Primary school, Pammal and Bhajans by Smt.Visalakshi & group.

Students received the Prizes and blessings from Pujyasri Acharya Swamiji.


Tiruppavai-Tiruvempavai   Tiruppavai-Tiruvempavai
Young ones receiving the certificates and blessings from Their Holinesses

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